Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fluffy Slippers
Hello everyone! A few hours ago, i was quite depressed, as my husband had to leave again to go to 29 stumps where he has temporary orders.
However, i just watched Princess Diaries, found my favorite slippers (the ones my mom gave me), and am blogging on my beloved laptop (who i so affectionately call Hermy.) I feel much better now. Shaun will be coming back to me this next weekend, and will be coming home to me every night there after. Until he must leave again of course.
And as if that was not enough, my lease has officially been switched over and i am no longer a resident of mira monte apartment homes. Which also means i am rid of my pathetic excuse of an ex-room mate. Jenny has also very nearly quit biting me :) Jenny is my pineapple green cheek conure. who is only three months old and has no manners and until recently loved to take small but still painful chunks from my fingers.
So, I am rid of the awful room mate, my bird is mostly done biting me, Shaun will be coming home soon, and im wearing my favorite slippers. My feet are warm. Yay! And if i get sad again, i will simply look at the huge diamond on my finger and realize yet again, what a wonderful husband i have.
Then of course jenny will bite me again and bring me back to my pitiful, husband-less existence, where i am too bored to vacuum more than once a week. lol.
On an even happier note, i have purchased a domain online. Thus to cure me of even more free time, i will soon have a website.
Im not sure what i am going to do with it, but I will post the web page to my blog here when its up and running. he he. time to learn some HTML. the secret language of Internet junkies worldwide.
On that note, i will go now and watch another sappy movie on netflix and climb into my nice warm bed. Nighty!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Jingle bells

Shaun and I were relaxing on the bed with Lucy making kissy noises (and she would make them back) when she started to sing a very familiar tune. I thought I had imagined it because I had been whistling it a lot lately. You know, you hear what you want to hear. So I let it pass with out saying anything. But she kept doing it! And Shaun goes, is she singing what i think she's singing? And yes! She was singing jingle bells!
Isn't that cool? Its a rough version at best but discernible all the same. Merry Christmas, Lucy! I'm even more excited for the holidays!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Birdy Trio
I'm SOOOO excited for christmas! So much so that i have started downloading chirstmas songs. Inky particulary loved Feliz Navidad! it was so funny to see him hop around twittlering. Lucy and Inky are super excited, but dixie and ricky have a sort of cool indiference. They'll come around in november when i start to make christmas cookies. All of my babies love christmas cookies. We made a practice batch. :) Including Shaun. Lucy has a crush on Dean Martin (she sings to his music alot) and inky just likes to dance.
Its nice to have company again. I was very lonely with shaun working late all the time. They are great company. Still miss him though.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hello everyone! I am now an Avon representative. I'm extremely excited. My first goal is to earn $500! Okay, I have an online store if you are interested. The web address is www.youravon.com/itaylor. You can purchase things online and have them shipped directly to your door. I think its convenient! And if you loose your campaign book, just go online! He he. | ||
Sunday, August 30, 2009
More explanation for my doctor freaking out
I haven't given anyone much information about my doctors appointments. Below is the information you have been wanting. Please don't freak out and treat me like I'm about to die. If I am to spend time "with the fishes," it will be because I live by the ocean and have decided to go snorkeling. At the end of this post I will include the precautionary measures I am taking to ensure I am around to ruffle feathers for a very long time. THE BELOW IS A CLIP FROM THIS WEBSITE, and more in depth information can be obtained from said page: http://www.medicinenet.com/congestive_heart_failure/article.htm "Diseases such as hemochromatosis or amyloidosis can cause stiffening of the heart muscle and impair the ventricles' capacity to relax and fill; this is referred to as diastolic dysfunction. The most common cause of this is longstanding high blood pressure resulting in a thickened (hypertrophied) heart." I spoke with my doctor again on Friday. I have been placed on a drug called, "LISINOPRIL" I am to log three times daily, my blood pressure. I will have a visit every two weeks until my BP is well controlled. Then every few months or so to make sure it is still where it needs to be. I have known my blood pressure was too high for about a year, but didn't think that stuff mattered until I was in my 40's or something. My doctor believes it may have been elevated for a few years and is "CONCERNED" That if I don't get it under control it will lead to congestive heart failure. Which, by the way, would suck! She has refused to help me get pregnant at this point. (we'll see). She told me that she doesn't think my heart will support me and a baby right now, but there is still hope for the future if I get this under control. She also wants me to loose another 30 lbs. She says this will help my blood pressure go down but doesn't think it will solve the problem. Based on my family history, she agrees with aunt Kay; That the Tarvers are freaks of nature. :) I think its just a bad gene or something. Although, I am kind of a crack-pot. As far as prevention goes, I am off bed rest now (Ha bed rest!) and am allowed my run in the mornings again. I have become -AGAINST MY WILL, MIND YOU- a vegetarian. However, she says I can still kill any animal I like. Since I promised to stick to it, I get to be a "Lacto-Ovo vegetarian." Which means I am allowed dairy and eggs. Which is good, because vegan just sounds ridiculous! To go from chicken and steak and fish to dirt and grass... Well you get the idea. I am also allowed to be a carnivorous beast for all major holidays. I'm excited for thanks giving. I've decided to practice my archery skills and have our turkey of a neighbor for thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately Wendy (the manager) says that the use of guns is illegal in the city. :) But that's enough for now. If you have any questions, let me know. Unless its impertinent. If its an impertinent question, it will be promptly ignored/deleted. Love ya! Ila. | ||
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