Hey Everyone. For Shaun's birthday, i got him an Ipod. My brother tells me that they are evil and all mac products should be burned and then have they're ashes burned to make sure no one is poisoned. But thats Andy, so... Im feeling pretty tired lately. Thus the blogg title. Shaun is having his vacation this weekend which means he'll have tuesday and wednesday like usual and then i'll also have him saturday, sunday and monday! yay. I get to see my parents and Andy!!! wooo wooo!
Anywho... back to his vacation. We are going to my parents house this weekend to have thanksgiving with them since shaun will no doubt be working on thanksgiving. which is actually okay with us, because he gets double pay on holidays. We probly wont have Christmas on Christmas either. But that doesnt bug me, My best christmases were the ones where we didnt have it on the 25th and my dad was there the WHOLE day. love it. lol.
Shaun and i may be spending the christmas holiday alone however, Shauns family is going on vacation for christmas. so it might be kind of lonely while shaun's at work, but what can you do?
I thought it would be strange to have shaun turn 21. but it wasnt. its almost like nothing happened. I remember thinking that my birthday got less and less eventful the older i got. When i turned 17 i actually cried because my birthday was so boring. lol. But i never expected it to be like, "Eh, whatever, just annother day."
I started going to church again. I am once again an active member. I realized i was inactive and it bothered the bajeezes out of me, so i went. i even went to relief society. i had to walk by the door like seven times to get the nerve to go in though. i dont really know why it was so scary, but it was. But once i was in i couldnt help but smile. i had a good time.
I figure, all the times the lord has kept me alive where i should have been gone, i owe him big, i will go to church, and enrichment. sigh. hopfully i like it.
but my mind is becomeing blank and i havnt eaten yet, so im off. Goood bye!
I am aware that i dont follow all of the rules of eticate. However, i didnt mean to offend anyone and have removed the "inapropriate" things from my posts. you have my apologies, i would like you all to continue to read as this is my way of keeping in touch.
I'm exited to spend some time with you, too. It looks like we will be doing Christmas on the Sunday before Christmas. If that doesn't work for you, you and Shaun could come up on his days off the week before Christmas and we could do something special then.
Love, Mom
Wow..I'm glad to here that your doing well. lol. I'm sure that your vacation time will be a blast, and the holidays are what you make of them. I'm really glad to here that you are going to church. Church is for everyone and He welcomes all of His children. Remember that..okay? Oh..the holidays, they are only special if your with your family, so of course it doesn't matter when we celebrate them.
I love you, Ila!
Hi, im leaving a comment! Kind of redundant seeing as it's my blogg... But there you go.
hi Ila, I found your blog at Patricia's and thought I'd stop in and say hi! Post some more, you make me smile! miss seeing you!
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