Hey again! When we moved i got rid of the ferret because it would have been dificult to cart around to the new apartments and such. just because ferets are difficult.
Shaun got me a parakeet to keep me company! As a parakeet is a Budgerigar i call him Budgie. He he. Yeah im not exactly sure that "he" is a male. Thats one of the reasons i chose a gender nutral name. He has some blue on his nostrils but it could change. And if i am wrong about the sex of the bird, "he" will lay an egg in about six months. lol.
Today is my last night with shaun. I know i should probly be laying next to him, but i cant sleep. today janice printed out whats called the boot camp matrix. its a calander with what he'll be dong and where. It wasnt until i started looking at it that it really hit me just how long he would be gone and how i really wouldnt know him when he gets out. I hope he'll still like me. :)
Budgie, as with all of my animals, got used to us really easy. He didnt really skwak at me or try to bite me. he was really uneasy at first and it took a bit of coaxing, but he now loves to be with me. His favorite places to sit are on my finger,my shoulder, the screen on my lap top ( he perches on the right edge) and he perches on my phone while im texting or have my phone on speaker phone.
He loves music. He tries to sing, but he hasnt figured out how to mimic yet. he can only make bird sounds. Which is to be expected. He is a baby after all. But He knows where his cage is. This might be kinda bad while i live with my parents (because butch - aka - niki and zander will try to eat him if this happens) but he hops of my shoulder and flutters to the ground and wadles over to the dressor (his cage is at the top) and makes peeping sounds until i go to him and put him in the cage.
He's a pretty cool bird.
1 comment:
You will make it while Shaun is gone at boot camp. He will still like you and he will still LOVE you when he gets out. There is a reason for the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Have faith, pray, keep in touch the best you can, either through emails, letters, phone calls. Send him lots of pictures of you. Are you going to stay in Houston while he is in boot camp?
Cute bird. I heard he didn't like Andy though.
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