I never knew how tiring it could be to drive all day. The mountain area I drove through was absolutly terrifying. I have this thing about sharp turns. I hate them. Coupled with my fear of falling of a cliff,You get I histarical ila crying and screaming at what ever drunk mexican paved the road. So the trip was great until the last 60 miles. And when I thought it was over I turned onto the final street and relaxed when the gps said drive one mile to destination. Then for a mile I drove practically up on this scronny little road and prayed my car didn't start to roll backwards. I think ill walk to 29 palms thankyou. There is no way I'm driving down that stupid mountain top. But once I got there I was greated by a woman who was sweet as apple pie. She was genuinly happy to see me. She even let dixie lick her in the face! They were going to let dixie stay in the garrage at night but while we were eating dinner, she began to do that pitiful little wail she does so well. And because of her imense cuteness she gets to sleep with me! They are truly amazing people who love marines and are very greatful for everything that they do for our country. Well I'm getting up early to get all dolled up for my hubby! Night every one.
P.S. Momma I didn't take those pictures while I was driving. Dixie did. :D
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Dear Ila,
We are so glad you were safe in the motel last night. We were worried and so sorry about what you found on your arrival at 29 Palms. It is so good that you will be able to live with Sean in a week though. Please remember that we are always here for you and we will keep you both in our prayers. Please keep in touch.
Love, Tom amd Marie
Did you see the size of those tires O.O
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