I have a doctors appointment comming up here on thursday. Im terrified of bad news. I think i might be terrified of good news. But mostly its the bad news i think. What do you do if you find out you are incapable of procreation. I'll live sure, but what kind of life is that? I've wanted to mother my own kids for, well ever. Spawn little trouble makers to rival them all and what not. I just, sigh. I guess there is really nothing i can do either way. I could skip out on the appointment, but living in darknes is only great for a while. soon it drives you mad and you wander off a cliff looking for a flashlight. So i will go. Doctors are satists who like to see people in pain.
But what will they say?
Pray for me. I'm a little eccentric as it is. I already think about slaping pregnant ladies as i pass them, so ill need your prayers to prevent such a thing from happening. cause thats just sad.
you never posted a blog telling us what the doctor said!
don't stress... it will happen when it is supposed to. don't you worry one little bit.
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