I was recently watching this Disney movie called "taking 5." In this
movie these teens kidnap a band and then get them to play at their high
school. At the end, the parents comeback from vacation and realize there
were a bunch of boys in the house. They get super mad and follow them to
the school (because their daughter stole the car). Once they get there
everything is fine. They just watch the performance and everyone goes
home happy. Except the older sister who goes on tour with the band.
Now, what the heck kind of parents go on vacation and come home to find
a house full of 18 year old boys with your 15 year old daughter - watch
her steal the car and then once you find her say, "Oh, its okay. Those
boys are rock stars." Holy crap! Who in the world does that? No one.
Only Disney could distort the family image in such a way that the
parents are morons and the children can just run amuck doing what ever
takes their fancy with no consiquences.
But on a slightly more realistic note, im nervous about the move. We're
hiring a cleaner so I don't have to worry about that. But apparently the
movers are grumpy. So I need to make them breakfast or lunch. Supposedly
this makes them happy and nice to your stuff.
In about a week I'll need to get rid of some furniture. Shaun says we
can buy a sledge hammer and bust the couch (the one I hate) in a million
pieces thus making it possible to get it out the door. Or vacuum up
depending on how carried away I get.
So, Shaun gets a 2 week vacation before he has to go to Japan for 2
years. On our way out of California we are going to stop by oceanside
and see the beach. Then visit with Tom and Marie before we head to
We will not be pulling a 24 hr drive again. That was awful last time.
I've never been more scared. Not being able to sleep because Shaun kept
falling asleep at the wheel. And then having to drive for hours after
that. This will not be happening again. No, no, no.
Once we get into Texas, we're going to say hi to my to my family. Then
head into Houston to receive our crap from TMO. Then we can relax a
little. It will be good for Shaun. He's tired.
~Ila :)