Icey- exhibit "A"/ me- exhibit "B"
Don't i look like my mom? :)
I will first start my assault to your ears by telling you that 801 housing(off-base military housing) has decided to kick us out of our homes for 1-2 weeks because and i quote, "WE NEED TO PUT IN CENTRAL AIR." --This is said with an unbearable nasal/whiny sort of voice.
Now, to tell you why i am up at this ghastly hour: Because i can. he he. As you can see from what we've decided to call exhibit "A" icey cat has taken up residence on the mouse and mouse pad when ever i decide to use them. thus the vicious blog title. You see; cats cant read...
Next, I cut my bangs. I've been paying people to screw up my hair for me when i am perfectly capable of doing said Haynes act all on my own. I'll tell you how it happened. i was cleaning the clippers i use to cut Shaun's hair and saw the scissors... I GRABBED THEM AND RACED TO THE BATHROOM. WHERE I GRABBED THE BRUSH DRAMATICALLY AND BRUSHED SOME HAIR IN FRONT OF MY FACE! THEN I WHACKED IT OFF. THE END. Okay, done with all caps for now.
Shaun informed me two days ago that he felt horribly unprepared for his practical exam because he hadn't studied at all this annex. So yesterday when he took the test i was nervous all day and all night. Guess what grade he got. He got a 100%
For My birthday/valentines day, I have informed Shaun that he is getting me a bike. :) I have to tell him specifically what i want or tragic things happen. Like, this Christmas he got me an air freshener because i like when things smell nice. The wheels are turning, but he his GPS is set to speak in Hebrew... Which is kinda why i like him. If i ever get pregnant, together we'll breed a new species. His smarts, my wit, and his body. Accept for the girls who will have breasts etc...
I have also decided to learn to play the guitar. I'm going to need two however. one to play, the other one is for time Warner cable. I've decided to tell them to stick it in their ear. And then for the big Finnish, I'm going to take the second guitar and shove it IN THEIR EAR HOLE! :) We're having some problems with billing. Can you tell?
It was Kira who first inspired me to get a bike. While living with her, she let me ride her bike. and then day after day passed with me to be found at the track on the bicycle. She got tired of it and said, "get your own" :)
I expect like the last time i had a bike i wont be able to get off of it. I'll have to be careful that i don't hurt Dixie's feet. I remember at lake Alice. All the dogs feet were bleeding. Tazz's feet were so bad we had to empty Andy's pack and strap her in it to make it back down the mountain. kinda funny. poor Tazz. Some day my mother will get tired of her.... and then i can have my dog back! When we first got her, my dad took her and said here have Dixie. Then when i moved out everyone was like, no Tazz belongs to your mother.....one day...
see no one puts the dots together. Tazz and i have an understanding. There is a reason she only smiles that big for me. because i love her best. HINT HINT MOTHER...
Its funny. I need glasses because i cant see the road signs but while i was signing a check i noticed that the line where you sign is actually "AuthorizedSignature" over and over really small.I noticed this with out the aid of anything but my eyes. no eyeglasses or anything. makes you wonder....
But if you get a bike now you won't be able to bring it home in a couple of months. No? Or will the military pay for a bit rental truck?
I like the bangs! It's cute! Hey - I added you as a friend on facebook - will you accept? - Aunt Linda
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