Thursday, November 13, 2008
Home sweet house

Monday, November 10, 2008
I'll be home for Christmas!
Lets start at the end and work our way up shall we? lets see here... the one that wasnt on the list should probly count as the last one. I descovered a new show. I'ts called "the pretender." and its not actually a new show, but is infact quite old. 1996 or something. Still good.
Second, (or should i say sixth?) I got more furnature!!! i got a giant couch for outside, a nice wicker chair and a rug. all of theese things live on the back porch. and a kitchen table! my visiting teachers are comming tommorrow and we're going to sit at it! eeek! so exciting. That and a smelly man was selling his paintings outside biglots for $2! i got three of them. So now the walls are not quite so bare with, the painting, the blue christmas lights and some mistle toe i got at a garrage sale. Oh, i also put one of my drawings in a frame and hung that on the wall. Also, i realized we didnt have napkins so i made some! i hand sewed little roses on each of them! so cute. but my hand was soooo tired. lol. uuuh, yup that about covered the furnature.
Now then, number three/number five: shaun got a week long lib-o. And he gets his birthday off because it just happens to be in there! yay! We're going to knotts berry farm. so far we have spent it, re-descovering things like, cookies, jello, and sleep.
Next, The mail lady finnaly smiled back at me when i told her good morning!
And now, i feel we should combine two events, Icey-cat lost a tooth, and i shaved dixie bald. :D
Now then, At the doctors office. My doctor was concerned with my blood presure. for a couple days it was 144 over 94 but then it chilled back out. not sure of the cause so we're just going to keep an eye on it. I explained to her about my legs and after going over some family history, We decided to agree with aunt kay. medically speaking, the whole tarver family, are freaks of nature. any way. Next we talked about my weight. i have lost aprox 20 lbs. i am annother 20 lbs from being where i was when i got marred. Also with this next 20 lbs, i will be out of the obeese BMI (red) and into the over wieght BMI (yellow).
As far as Fertillity goes, we begin our first test on December fourth. Dr. Morrison Decided that shaun should be tested first because his is relitivley simple and mine would be rather more complicated and painful in comparison. So, time will tell.
You may have noticed my title, it seems as though i will indeed be home for christmas.
Monday, October 27, 2008
if only...

Friday, October 10, 2008
The letter that started it all
So I suppose it is little wonder I have not blogged in what seems to be weeks. Where as my online journal served as a cleansing tool before; a place where I could share my feelings with the void who would never judge me only listen, now seems to be a scary place. A place where I must admit true feelings and look at my self as if in a looking glass.
What can be said of raising someone else's child? Who can decide but yourself if you have the love, patience, determination, and fortitude to love a child in need as your own. I suppose you yourself cannot decide. It is simply up to the lord.
I face the question: is it possible that the reason I have not yet been able to have children because there is another child out there who desperately needs the love my husband and I can so freely give?
And if it is simply coincidence, and not some part of a huge plan, why then do I feel so compelled to do that wich I most fear?
Is in not our responsibility to care for those charged to us by heavenly father? And when others fail in their responsibilities, is it not up to us to pick up the slack and, I cant believe I'm using this cleche; feed his sheep?
I think back on what my sister said to me of foster care. And that that she DIDNT say but I understood all the same.
Should we let such things as feelings of inadequacy lead us around forever? Or should we take that first and most terrifying of steps into the darkness of the unknown and pray there is light at the end of the way?
I suppose it was a quick decision. But at the same time I have been thinking about it for years. So as I usually do, I stopped thinking about what I was sure was right and just did it. I am still frightened. But as my hero, Mary Fielding Smith, the woman I look up to when I am most in need of courage said, "I have made a step forward. And I will NOT go back."
So with those words of wisdom and a prayer in my heart, I take a deep breath and step forward. And I will NOT go back.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fwd: home sweet house!
A working stove! An oven a fridge! A humungus patio. They're spoiling me! We move in on monday. If you want the address shoot me an email. For obvious reasons I'm not going to post it here. Also icey is doing much better. I affectionatley call him icey-cat. And shaun not so affectionatly calls him stupid-cat. :)
shaun classed up also. He's now in the basic electronics course. Tootles!
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Finally Settled
However, i can truthfully say that i am a MUCH cleaner person. if i keep this up i may become a neat freak. then i can add that to the list of things about me. lets look at that list shall we?
afraid of pennies
afraid of wasps
afraid of bees
afraid of snakes
afraid that one day ants will take over the universe. my house is proof of it..... they're penetrating the walls..... *eyeball twitch*
and now that i have lived with gail, we can happily add germaphobe.
But atleast i do the dishes and laundery and scrubing and .... you know all that stuff i am now compelled to do for fear of my health.......... lets just say shaun hasnt had to complain about the house being dirty.
now its more like, "Shaun?! cant you put your shoes IN the closet instead of HALFWAY IN the closet?" or, "Shaun?! cant you put your clothes IN the dirty hamper in stead of NEXT to it?"
lol. no joke. Shaun leaves his clothes NEXT to the dirty hamper. about two weeks ago he asked me if we even had one. i laughed so hard i peed a little.
also, i found an awesome kitty litter! it actually makes the room smell GOOD. seriously dixie ate the cat poop and her breath was FRESH! insane. shaun the informed me that i was, "never to let that dog lick me in the face again."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Day in the desert.
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
He Sleeps.
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
the woman I'm staying with didn't tell me the condition the house was in. She needed my rent money to even make the place safe to live in. (busted windows and doors) I had to join the local gym because the shower doesn't work. And honestly if it did I don't think ide use it. Today (with my money) she was able to get the windows and doors fixed and the bathroom sinks and toilets to work. Can't drink the water though. I spent all yesterday and today cleaning my room, hallway, the kitchen. In each of these rooms I cleaned top to bottom. Scrubbed the floors walls cabinets (getting all the nastyness out of the countertop grouves) the base boards, doors, inside of the cabinets the pantry. I opened the fridge to clean it and almost passed out. It was gross. Needless to say it doesn't work so I didn't bother with it. I cleaned a lot outside too. Never did she lift a finger to help clean her own house. She did however mention that she woult have had to pay SOME ONE ELSE ten dollars an hour to clean. So because I need a place to stay and refuse to become diseased I cleaned. And cleaned. Now she also wants me to babysit her son while she's at work and to homeschool him and she tried to sell me her house. She says to me, "You can have it for fifty thousand less than its worth." I said think no thanks but in my head I'm going, alright. You have a deal. You owe me ten thousand dollars. Anyway I looked in the classifieds and found a bunch of places to call and visit. So keep me in your prayrs! Ps: daddy, does that dog picture look familiar?
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rest at last
P.S. Momma I didn't take those pictures while I was driving. Dixie did. :D
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day one
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Modern-Day Gypsy
"Murphy's law is only hear-say... Until you join the millitary."
-- Ila Taylor.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Here to stay.

Friday, March 28, 2008
"Semper Fi"